
  1. 2. I help the body maintain stability, keeping the environment within reach, what am I?
  2. 5. A fluid that surrounds cells and acts like a nutrient and waste mailman
  3. 6. The cell is like a balanced seesaw, with equal concentrations of both water and solutes
  4. 8. This complex network of glands and organs, resembling a communication system, regulates and coordinates various bodily functions through the secretion of hormones
  5. 9. A crucial unit in the body's regulation of fluids and electrolytes, consisting of the glomerulus, Bowman's capsule, and various tubules. What am I?
  6. 15. Acts as a bridge between cells and blood vessels to facilitate the exchange of nutrients and waste products
  7. 17. Without this vital organ, the body's waste disposal system would be compromised, leading to the accumulation of toxins, electrolyte imbalances, and fluid overload
  8. 18. acts as a janitor cleaning up the mess to maintain a tidy environment
  9. 20. I look like a hormone produced by the pancreas, but I'm actually produced by the alpha cells in the islets of Langerhans. What am I?
  10. 22. When kidney function falters, this therapeutic process, resembling a blood-cleansing orchestra, steps in to remove toxins and restore homeostasis
  11. 24. Like a heater or air conditioner in a car, I help to regulate body temperature by causing the body to either lose or conserve heat
  12. 25. I'm the component of blood that helps transport nutrients. What am I?
  13. 26. I am a tiny gland in your brain, responsible for regulating your body's internal clock and helping you maintain a consistent sleep-wake cycle. What am I?
  14. 29. This organ acts like a dam preventing an excessive amount of water from flowing out
  15. 30. Like a waste treatment plant, this organ system is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood
  1. 1. When immersed in water, ________ leads to cell hydration, causing fruits and vegetables to swell and become firm
  2. 3. I'm like your parents telling you what to do even if you don't want to do it
  3. 4. If I was a hormone produced by the pineal gland, I would help regulate sleep and wake cycles
  4. 7. I'm the most common type of feedback loop in the body. What am I?
  5. 10. A measure of acidity or alkalinity in your body, like a scientific tightrope walker maintaining the delicate balance between acid and base
  6. 11. With type 1 diabetes, your body does not produce this element, but with type 2 diabetes, your body does not produce enough of this element
  7. 12. These bean-shaped organs are like the body's filtration plant, removing waste and excess water to maintain the body's chemical balance
  8. 13. I am a hormone that triggers your body's fight-or-flight and can be found in an EpiPen
  9. 14. I look like a moth in your neck and produces hormones that regulate the body's metabolic rate, growth and development
  10. 16. This hormone, often associated with masculinity, is represented by nine letters and plays a crucial role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics in both males and females
  11. 19. This cup-shaped structure surrounds the glomerulus in the nephron and is responsible for filtering blood plasma. What is it?
  12. 21. Imagine a balloon being slowly deflated as air escapes. Similarly, a _____ solution, with its higher solute concentration, draws water out of the cell, causing it to shrink or deflate
  13. 23. Like a filled tub waiting to be let out, this expandable organ stores urine until it's ready to be eliminated
  14. 27. Like a guardian of hydration, this hormone, represented by three letters, ensures that your body holds onto water when needed, acting as a key player in maintaining water balance
  15. 28. symptoms like fatigue and constant thirst and urination could be a result of _____