Data Science and Modelling

  1. 2. Which common programming language is NOT used in advanced data workbench which is also a synonym of the morning brew and namesake of an island in Indonesia.
  2. 4. Discipline of computer science which combines statistics, algorithms, calculus, linear algebra and programming languages.
  3. 7. The science of ingesting the Business data and deriving insights using the Intelligence from tools like PowerBI, QuickSight, Tableau etc?
  4. 8. What tool is used for orchestration on ADW which helps is the flow of data like air.
  1. 1. The integral building block of ADW which was developed as a web-based platform for working with Spark, that provides automated cluster management and interface for multiple programming language based development.
  2. 3. Which common programming language is used in advanced data workbench whose name is derived from a famous comedy group and is also a creepy crawly.
  3. 5. _____ Network is a computational model inspired by the structure and function of the human brain, consisting of interconnected nodes (neurons) that process and transmit information.
  4. 6. Abbreviation of the discipline of Data science which combines statistics, language based algorithms, calculus, linear algebra and programming languages.