American Independence

  1. 1. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner?
  2. 5. The National ____ is sung before many sports events.
  3. 9. This state hosts the oldest Independence Day celebration parade.
  4. 10. United States national colors are Red, White, and ___.
  5. 12. What is the bird of the United States?
  6. 14. This President was born on the 4th of July.
  7. 15. Who said "Give me liberty, or give me death"?
  8. 16. The first state to declare the 4th of July a holiday.
  9. 18. This President died on the 4th of July. (1/3)
  10. 19. What country gifted the Statue of Liberty?
  1. 1. The Star-____ Banner
  2. 2. Hospitals see an increase in fireworks related injuries on the 4th of July. (True or False)
  3. 3. This President died on the 4th of July. (3/3)
  4. 4. What is in the sky at night on the 4th of July.
  5. 6. There have been over 30 versions of the U.S Flag. (True or False)
  6. 7. This is the most popular pie flavor in the U.S.
  7. 8. This President died on the 4th of July. (2/3)
  8. 11. How many people signed the Declaration of Independence?
  9. 12. Who wrote the Pledge of Allegiance?
  10. 13. The Star-Spangled Banner was written about the American ___.
  11. 17. This is the most patriotic sounding name used within counties and census.