Natural Disasters New Zealand

  1. 2. Small earthquake or ground movement
  2. 3. A term used to describe a volcano that is currently inactive but has the potential to erupt again in the future
  3. 7. New Zealand sits on the boundary of the Pacific and _______ tectonic plates.
  4. 8. Lake ______ is the largest volcanic structure in New Zealand
  5. 10. Name of the most active volcano in New Zealand.
  6. 11. Molten rock beneath the Earth's surface
  7. 12. Pertaining to or caused by earthquakes
  8. 13. Area of geological instability where tectonic plates meet
  1. 1. Mountain or hill, typically conical, that erupts with lava, ash, and gases
  2. 2. Name of an active stratovolcano that is a popular hiking destination in New Zealand
  3. 4. Geothermal region in New Zealand famous for its geysers and mud pools
  4. 5. Major area in the basin of the Pacific Ocean where many earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur. It is known as the ring of _____.
  5. 6. A scale used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes
  6. 8. Destructive ocean wave caused by underwater earthquake
  7. 9. Violent shaking of the ground caused by the movement of tectonic plates