Unicorn Crossword Puzzle

  1. 2. This is an animal with one horn.
  2. 6. You wear sun glasses when it’s _____ out.
  3. 7. Unicorn descriptions go back more than a ________ years.
  4. 9. This sea creature is often mistaken for unicorns.
  5. 11. These are fluffy water in the sky.
  6. 12. An adjective used to describe the majestic appearance of unicorns.
  1. 1. Legend has it that ___ touch from a unicorn horn can heal sickness and purify water.
  2. 3. A colorful arc symbolizing hope and magic.
  3. 4. Unicorns appear in legends and _______.
  4. 5. Unicorns are _______; Smarter than smart.
  5. 6. Full of enchanting shimmer and shine.
  6. 8. A mystical power that grants wishes.
  7. 10. Unicorns are much ______ and cherished.
  8. 13. Hunters can't catch unicorns because they gallop too ____.