Mythical Creatures

  1. 2. Shapeshifting fox spirit in Japanese folklore
  2. 4. Roman woodland deity, often depicted with goat legs
  3. 6. Giant sea monster of Scandinavian tales
  4. 8. Abominable Snowman of Himalayan legend
  5. 9. Greek monster with snake hair
  6. 12. Half-human, half-horse creatures
  7. 13. Legendary bird that rises from ashes
  8. 15. Mythical horse with a single horn
  9. 17. Monster with snakes for hair, capable of turning people to stone
  10. 18. Enchanted creature with upper body of a human and lower body of a fish
  1. 1. Beast with lion's body and eagle's head
  2. 3. Large bird of Native American legend, associated with storms
  3. 5. Irish spirit warning of impending death
  4. 7. Winged horse of Greek mythology
  5. 9. Half-man, half-bull labyrinth dweller
  6. 10. Enchanting sea creatures luring sailors
  7. 11. Fire-breathing creature with lion, goat, and serpent parts
  8. 14. Half-bird, half-human creatures of Greek mythology
  9. 16. Three-headed dog guarding the underworld
  10. 19. Fire-breathing creature of Middle Eastern mythology