CARS Crossword

  1. 3. Considered an urgent diagnosis and should be scheduled within two weeks if patient is 4 months old or younger
  2. 5. Typically an urgent diagnosis and should be scheduled within one week
  3. 9. Multidisciplinary clinic that occurs 8-10 times per month
  4. 10. Flat spot on the head
  1. 1. Some infants with this diagnosis can be seen in our clinic for removal of accessory digit
  2. 2. Type of cyst that should be referred to general surgery rather than plastic surgery
  3. 4. In order to be seen in our clinic for this referral, patients must be under 18 years old, have a BMI <35%, a history of physical therapy treatment, and a negative drug screen test
  4. 6. Clinic that occurs quarterly and includes the development of prosthetics
  5. 7. Diagnosis that is commonly referred to plastic surgery clinic, but should be seen in neurology clinic
  6. 8. Common vascular anomaly that should be seen by dermatology first if patient is 12 months old or younger