AI: Minds and Machines

  1. 5. computing systems inspired by the human brain's structure
  2. 6. a subset of AI where computers learn from data
  3. 10. a set of specific steps or procedures that, when followed, provide a solution to a problem
  4. 11. a feature in many software applications that anticipates and suggests the next word or phrase a user might type based on their input history and a vast database of language patterns.
  5. 12. a special type of RNN designed to remember and use long-term patterns or sequences
  1. 1. A subset of AI that's trained to generate new, original content after learning from a vast amount of existing data.
  2. 2. a type of neural network designed to recognize patterns in sequences of data
  3. 3. in AI, this represents a specific structure or pattern learned from data and is used to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to perform the task
  4. 4. a field in computer science dedicated to creating systems capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence
  5. 7. trained on vast amounts of text, enabling them to generate coherent and contextually relevant sentences or paragraphs based on the input they receive.
  6. 8. a type of machine learning model, especially good at handling sequential data, thanks to their attention mechanisms
  7. 9. a piece of text that provides instructions or guidance to a generative AI model