
  1. 5. Verbs which require some type of object to complete their meaning
  2. 6. Verbs which do not admit of the continuous form
  3. 8. Verbs which do not require any object
  4. 9. Verbs which are entirely devoid of lexical meaning and are used for building up analytical forms of verbs
  5. 11. Forms of verbs which represent an action in its temporary development, have a meaning of process and duration
  6. 12. The grammatical categoty of the verb which indicates the time of the action
  7. 14. Verbs that are always accompanied by an infinitive, with which they form a modal predicate
  8. 15. Verbs which do not imply any limit, the action can continue indefinitely
  1. 1. The function of verbs in the sentence
  2. 2. Forms of verbs that express retrospectiveness, which consists of priority and revelance
  3. 3. Forms of the verb which are built up by a change in the world itself (by means of suffixes, vowel change or both)
  4. 4. Verbs which imply a limit beyond which the action cannot continue
  5. 7. Verbs which form the Past Indefinite and the participle by adding the suffix -ed
  6. 10. The grammatical categoty of the verb which serves to express the manner in which the action is regarded
  7. 13. Verbs that have a lexical meaning of their own and can have an independent syntactic function in the sentence