First Monthsary Ice Breaker

  1. 2. Where did we get our permanent bracelet?
  2. 3. One of my favorite part of you
  3. 6. One of our favorite things we do aside from hugs
  4. 8. Where was the first time I slept on your shoulder?
  5. 10. Our song.
  6. 11. The first name I gave to one of your stuffies
  7. 13. Name of the cat that scratched the both of us
  8. 14. One of our unforgettable telepathy moments "____ mo ah"
  9. 15. The day we became official
  1. 1. We first went home together in LRT on September ____
  2. 4. What did we watch on our first movie date?
  3. 5. One of our unforgettable moments together despite being stressed
  4. 7. Where was the first time we had sleepover?
  5. 9. What do I want to say to your right now?
  6. 12. Where did I read your letter? Our last hangout place in campus