Scientific Method

  1. 5. educated guess or prediction
  2. 6. group that remains unchanged during an experiment, to provide comparison
  3. 10. descriptive, expressed in terms of feelings rather than numerical values
  4. 11. factor that is measured in an experiment
  5. 12. questions that you are seeking an answer for
  6. 13. representation of an object or system
  7. 14. factor that changes in an experiment in order to test a hypothesis
  8. 15. method a series of steps followed to solve problems
  9. 17. pieces of information that can be displayed using numbers
  10. 19. group being tested for a reaction to a change in the variable
  1. 1. sets taken to find the answer to a problem in an experiment
  2. 2. variables that are held constant and unchanged throughout an experiment
  3. 3. tests only one factor at a time by using a comparison of a control group with an experimental group
  4. 4. description of an object or event using one of the five senses
  5. 7. number of times the experiment is repeated
  6. 8. information collected
  7. 9. variable that is intentionally manipulated
  8. 16. summary of many experimental results and observations
  9. 18. an explanation that ties together many hypotheses and observations