Rome and China

  1. 2. This Han emperor established an imperial academy for training officials for bureaucratic positions based off Confucianism (give answer without the dynasty name)
  2. 7. Name of wealthy class men in Rome
  3. 11. The male head of a Roman household
  4. 12. The three-worded political ideology that was used by Chinese emperors to legitimize their rule
  5. 17. The Romans granted ___ as their way of assimilation. They gave it to people for their service or their adoption of Roman culture
  6. 18. Values such as rule of law, rights of citizens, good moral behavior were later idealized as "the way of the ___" in Rome
  7. 19. In the Roman Republic, executive authority was exercised by two ___
  8. 20. Name given to poorer class of Rome
  9. 21. The Chinese had ___ the non-Chinese people. They culturally and linguistically became Chinese through intermarriage
  1. 1. The name given to the era of imperial Rome's greatest geographical extent and political authority
  2. 3. the Chinese were able to re-establish and find unity more easily than the Romans because the Romans had vast ethnic and linguistic ___
  3. 4. The first emperor of Rome (another name given to him is Caesar Augustus)
  4. 5. First emperor to unify China (given answer without the dynasty name)
  5. 6. The ___ groups infiltrated and ultimately caused the end of the Roman Empire in 476 C.E.
  6. 8. The foreign religion that China had absorbed, which was introduced by Central Asian traders
  7. 9. This ancient structure was built by the Chinese in order to defend against the Xiongnu and other nomadic people of the north of China
  8. 10. The ___ dynasty followed the Qin dynasty
  9. 13. Both the Chinese and the Romans had introduced harmful impacts on the ___, such as deforestation, soil erosion, and lead pollution
  10. 14. In years after the Common Era, Roman women in the ___ classes gained more freedom of property and marriage
  11. 15. The political philosophy used by Qin Shihuangdi, which advocated clear rules and harsh punishments to enforce authority
  12. 16. The Romans saw their expansion as simply ___ against potential threats