CinA's Bucket List

  1. 1. Travel-Everywhere
  2. 5. Drive to Alaska/ go to S. Caribbean
  3. 7. Disney Cruise
  4. 9. travel
  5. 10. Skydive
  6. 11. Cross Country Motorcycle
  7. 12. Skydive on 50th
  8. 15. Travel to Japan/learn Japenese
  9. 17. Travel in an RV
  10. 18. Visit La Sagrada Familia Cathedral in Barcelona, Spain
  11. 19. travel more
  12. 20. no bucket list
  1. 2. Watch Son Graduate
  2. 3. Travel US and Europe/ Ride a horse
  3. 4. Get Kids out of Diapers
  4. 6. white water rafting/ travel outside US
  5. 8. Buy Dream Home
  6. 11. none
  7. 13. Learn a language
  8. 14. See Norhtern Lights/ Retire
  9. 16. Travel Europe
  10. 18. Travel to Japan
  11. 19. Disneyland trip