Lily Natural World

  1. 2. stream a strong ocean current that brings warm water
  2. 4. organic component of soil formed by the decomposition of leaves and other plants
  3. 8. resources a resource that earth replaces naturally
  4. 9. group of plants and animals that depend on another for survival and the environment in which they live in.
  5. 11. the spread of the desert like conditions.
  6. 13. high latitude region that receives little precipitation
  7. 14. forming or belonging of a continent
  8. 15. fuel nonrenewable resource that formed from the remains of ancient plant and animals
  9. 16. the place where a plant of animal lives
  10. 17. the distance north or south earths equator
  11. 19. currents large streams of surface seawater that move heat around earth
  12. 20. a species that died out
  1. 1. types a long term pattern of weather
  2. 3. a seasonal wind that brings either dry or moist air
  3. 5. front a transition zone between two different air masses at earths service
  4. 6. water that falls to earths surface as rain snow sleet or hail
  5. 7. permanently frozen layers of soil
  6. 10. resource any material in nature that people use and value
  7. 12. what the climate feels like around you
  8. 18. the height of an object or point in the relation to see level