November Crossword

  1. 1. Season with colorful leaves
  2. 2. 11th month
  3. 6. Big shopping day after Thanksgiving
  4. 11. Colorful and messy to jump in
  5. 12. Wear camo to get venison
  6. 14. with gravy
  7. 16. Who you spend thanksgiving with
  8. 18. Seasoned bread dressing
  9. 19. Salty meat
  1. 1. Popular fall sport
  2. 3. Yellow, creamy noodles
  3. 4. Yellow, square bread
  4. 5. Get lost in it
  5. 7. A bird people eat on Thanksgiving
  6. 8. In New York with balloons
  7. 9. Drink made from apples
  8. 10. Orange gourd
  9. 13. For roasting marshmallows
  10. 15. Holiday in November
  11. 17. Someone who has served in the military