Respiratory System

  1. 2. pertaining to a blood vessel
  2. 3. tumor
  3. 9. nose
  4. 11. without, not
  5. 12. voice box
  6. 13. nose
  7. 15. pus
  8. 16. rapid
  9. 17. tonsils
  10. 19. bronchus
  11. 20. good, normal
  12. 21. slow
  13. 26. bronchiole
  14. 27. straight
  15. 28. chest
  16. 29. bad, painful, difficult
  17. 31. adenoids
  18. 32. air lung
  1. 1. pertaining to the lungs or respiratory system
  2. 4. air sac
  3. 5. molecular exchange of O2 and CO2
  4. 6. pleura
  5. 7. identification of a disease or condition
  6. 8. windpipe
  7. 10. fungus
  8. 14. surgical repain
  9. 15. throat
  10. 18. diaphragm
  11. 22. air
  12. 23. bronchus
  13. 24. blue
  14. 25. pertaining to the thorax or thoracic cage
  15. 30. paralysis
  16. 32. lung
  17. 33. mucus