Mental health

  1. 1. A practice that involves taking a break and doing something enjoyable to reduce stress.
  2. 5. The belief that one's efforts can make a difference in reducing stress is a sense of ______________.
  3. 10. A hormone released during exercise that can help reduce stress.
  4. 11. The practice of deep, slow, and intentional breathing to reduce stress and anxiety.
  5. 12. A technique to relieve stress and achieve calmness, often involves deep breathing.
  6. 13. A state of feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and emotionally drained due to excessive stress.
  7. 14. A popular relaxation technique that involves listening to soothing sounds or music.
  8. 15. The state of well-being related to emotional and psychological health.
  9. 18. A technique that involves focusing on the present moment and acknowledging your thoughts without judgment.
  10. 20. Physical activity that can help reduce stress and boost your mood.
  1. 1. Talking to friends, family, or a therapist can provide valuable emotional ____________.
  2. 2. Chronic stress can lead to this condition, characterized by feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and a lack of interest in activities.
  3. 3. A technique that involves writing down your thoughts and feelings as a way to cope with stress.
  4. 4. The act of simplifying tasks or responsibilities to reduce stress.
  5. 6. Strategies and techniques for managing stress are often referred to as __________ mechanisms.
  6. 7. A method of mental exercise and relaxation to improve mindfulness.
  7. 8. A neurotransmitter often associated with feelings of happiness and well-being.
  8. 9. A state of being mentally and emotionally resilient in the face of adversity.
  9. 16. The feeling of being overwhelmed, anxious, or unable to cope with life's demands.
  10. 17. Mental health is as important as physical health; it's a part of overall ______________.
  11. 19. A common response to challenging or overwhelming situations.