
  1. 3. Location of the famous limestone karsts in Halong Bay.
  2. 4. Home to the 'Shrine of the Book', housing scrolls sometimes known as the Qumran Caves Scrolls
  3. 6. The "Roof of the World" is a common nickname for this landlocked nation.
  4. 7. This European nation is home to the world's oldest monarchy, with a history dating back over a thousand years.
  5. 8. Home to the highest concentration of foreign military bases due to its location at the entrance of the Red Sea
  1. 1. This nation is home to the world's largest solid gold Buddha statue, weighing over five tons and valued at billions of dollars.
  2. 2. What is the name of the nation that claims to be the birthplace of wine, with an 8,000-year-old winemaking tradition?
  3. 5. Home of the Galapagos islands.