Roll of Thunder 1-3

  1. 2. Main Character who is in fourth grade and is the second oldest of all her siblings.
  2. 3. The richest land owner in Louisiana. Grandpa Logan got bought his land from him.
  3. 8. Whips Little Man and Cassie on the first day of school.
  4. 9. The school that the black kids go to. There are barely enough books for each student and everything is in very poor condition.
  5. 11. Cassie's older brother who built the huge hole in the road so that the school bus would get stuck.
  6. 13. He lost his job because he got in a fight with a white man even though he didn't start it.
  7. 14. Works in Louisiana laying down railroad tracks while his family lives in Mississippi.
  1. 1. The school where white kids including Jeremy go. They have a bus that splashes Cassie and her brothers when they walk to and back from school.
  2. 4. She is Jeremy's older sister who despises the fact that he "interacts with the black children."
  3. 5. He is the second youngest out of all the Logan children. He is a chipper kiddo who is also a bit of a scaredy cat.
  4. 6. Cassie's Papa's mother who helps around the house while Mama works the farm and teaches. She cooks and cleans. She is very tall.
  5. 7. The timid white boy who is the only one who talks to Cassie and her siblings. He never rides the bus and walks with them everyday.
  6. 10. Stacey's "best friend" who's little brother is named Claude.
  7. 12. Cassie's youngest brother who is very meticulous and get really mad when the school bus splashes him.