NUR 162 Exam 1 Review

  1. 4. Overactivity of the cholinergic system (16 letters).
  2. 5. Compulsive hair-pulling disorder (15 letters).
  3. 6. Medication to manage mood swings (12 letters).
  4. 9. Rapid and intense speech delivery (14 letters).
  5. 11. Toxic reaction to anticholinergic drugs (16 letters).
  6. 14. Type of antidepressant you have to avoid aged cheese. (13 letters).
  7. 15. Period of excessive excitement or euphoria (6 letters).
  8. 16. Mental health condition characterized by obsessions and compulsions (3 letters).
  9. 20. Disorder Repetitive skin picking condition (17 letters).
  10. 22. Communication, Exchange of information through spoken words (15 letters).
  11. 23. Rapid, racing thoughts (13 letters).
  12. 24. Eating disorder characterized by severe weight loss (15 letters).
  13. 26. Common type of antidepressant (4 letters).
  14. 28. Conscious knowledge of one's character and feelings (13 letters).
  15. 29. Serious mental disorder with altered perception (12 letters).
  16. 30. Distress when separated from a loved one (16 letters).
  17. 32. Neurotransmitter involved in the "fight or flight" response (14 letters).
  18. 33. Communication, Conveying messages without words (17 letters).
  1. 1. Medications that block acetylcholine receptors (15 letters).
  2. 2. Medications to manage mental disorders (13 letters).
  3. 3. Disorder Intense fear of social situations (19 letters).
  4. 7. Mental condition with extreme mood swings (15 letters).
  5. 8. Class of drugs used for anxiety and sleep (14 letters).
  6. 10. Repetition of words or phrases (9 letters).
  7. 12. Class of antidepressant medications (10 letters).
  8. 13. Made-up words or phrases (10 letters).
  9. 17. Worry related to taking drugs or treatments (15 letters).
  10. 18. Neurotransmitter important for muscle control and memory (13 letters).
  11. 19. Persistent low mood and loss of interest (10 letters).
  12. 21. Anxiety disorder following traumatic experiences (4 letters).
  13. 25. Effects experienced when stopping a substance (17 letters).
  14. 27. Sudden and severe confusion (8 letters).
  15. 28. Negative perception or stereotype (6 letters).
  16. 31. Incoherent or unintelligible speech (10 letters).