Kenzie and Dylan

  1. 2. Where did Dylan Attend Law School?
  2. 4. What bar did Kenzie & Dylan run into each other after college graduation?
  3. 9. Where did they book their honeymoon?
  4. 11. What class did Kenzie & Dylan meet?
  5. 12. What is Dylan’s favorite movie character?
  6. 14. What High School Year did Kenzie & Dylan meet?
  7. 15. What town will the wedding be held?
  8. 17. What is Dylan & Kenzie’s favorite Date Night Activity?
  9. 18. What is Dylan’s middle name?
  10. 21. What song does Dylan dislike that Kenzie loves?
  11. 22. What is Kenzie’s favorite drink?
  1. 1. Kenzie & Dylan’s favorite restaurant?
  2. 3. What sport does Kenzie Play?
  3. 5. What was the name of Kenzie’s Guinea Pig?
  4. 6. What is Kenzie’s middle name?
  5. 7. What was the name of Kenzie’s first pet?
  6. 8. What was Kenzie’s major in College?
  7. 10. Last name of a Viola Elementary Teacher related to Dylan.
  8. 13. What is Dylan’s favorite sport to watch?
  9. 16. What was Dylan asked to pick up for the holidays?
  10. 19. What did Kenzie wear on her 1st date with Dylan?
  11. 20. Where is Kenzie’s & Dylan’s favorite vacation spot?