Module 6 & 7 Crossword

  1. 3. the U.S. policy of using the nation’s economic power to exert influence over other countries
  2. 5. a series of provisions that, in 1901, the United States insisted Cuba add to its new constitution, commanding Cuba to stay out of debt and giving the United States the right to intervene in the country and the right to buy or lease Cuban land for naval and fueling stations
  3. 6. the policy of extending a nation’s authority over other countries by economic, political, or military means
  4. 12. a volunteer cavalry regiment, commanded by Leonard Wood and Theodore Roosevelt, that served in the Spanish-American War
  5. 13. an association of nations established in 1920 to promote international cooperation and peace
  6. 14. a country whose affairs are partially controlled by a stronger power
  7. 17. a United States naval base built in Hawaii in 1887 that became a coaling station for refueling American ships
  8. 21. a promise by Germany in World War I not to sink merchant vessels “without warning and without saving human lives”
  9. 24. an extension of the Monroe Doctrine, announced by President Theodore Roosevelt in 1904, under which the United States claimed the right to protect its economic interests by means of military intervention in the affairs of Western Hemisphere nations.
  10. 25. an artificial waterway cut through the Isthmus of Panama to provide a shortcut between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, opened in 1914
  11. 26. messages sent by Secretary of State John Hay in 1899 to Germany, Russia, Great Britain, France, Italy, and Japan, asking the countries not to interfere with U.S. trading rights in China
  12. 27. a kind of biased communication designed to influence people’s thoughts and actions
  13. 28. the policy of building up armed forces in aggressive preparedness for war and their use as a tool of diplomacy
  14. 29. an agency established during World War I to increase efficiency and discourage waste in war-related industries
  1. 1. a devotion to the interests and culture of one’s nation
  2. 2. a message sent in 1917 by the German foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico, proposing a German- Mexican alliance and promising to help Mexico regain Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona if the United States entered World War I
  3. 4. Queen of the Hawaiian Islands; she opposed annexation by the United States but lost power in a U.S.-supported revolt, which led to the installation of a new government in Hawaii
  4. 7. American sugar tycoon; he helped overthrow Queen Liliuokalani and later served as president and governor of Hawaii
  5. 8. the principles making up President Woodrow Wilson’s plan for world peace following World War I
  6. 9. the 1919 peace treaty at the end of World War I which established new nations, borders, and war reparations
  7. 10. the site of a key victory by the American infantry during the 1898 conflict in Cuba with Spain.
  8. 11. a British passenger ship that was sunk by a German U-boat on May 7, 1915.
  9. 15. the use of sensationalized and exaggerated reporting by newspapers or magazines to attract readers
  10. 16. the right of people to choose their own political status
  11. 18. a U.S. warship that mysteriously exploded and sank in the harbor of Havana, Cuba, on February 15, 1898
  12. 19. two laws, enacted in 1917 and 1918, that imposed harsh penalties on anyone interfering with or speaking against U.S. participation in World War I
  13. 20. the treaty ending the Spanish-American War, in which Spain freed Cuba, turned over the islands of Guam and Puerto Rico to the United States, and sold the Philippines to the United States for $20 million
  14. 22. United States Secretary of State under presidents Abraham Lincoln and Andrew Johnson; he negotiated the purchase of Alaska from Russia
  15. 23. the large-scale movement of African Americans from the South to northern cities in the early 20th century