Y10 Humanities

  1. 3. Energy derived from heat within the Earth's crust. (10 letters)
  2. 6. A greenhouse gas produced by burning fossil fuels and other human activities. (12 letters)
  3. 8. The largest river system in Australia, crucial for agriculture. (17 letters)
  4. 11. The impact an individual or society has on the environment. (9 letters)
  5. 15. Energy sources that can be replenished naturally. (9 letters)
  6. 16. The process by which certain gases trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. (14 letters)
  7. 18. Ecosystems characterised by waterlogged conditions and unique flora and fauna. (8 letters)
  1. 1. The increase in the Earth's average temperature due to human activities. (12 letters)
  2. 2. Services provided by natural ecosystems that benefit humans. (10 letters)
  3. 4. A potent greenhouse gas released from natural sources and human activities. (7 letters)
  4. 5. The practice of using resources in a way that preserves them for future generations. (12 letters)
  5. 6. Long-term alterations in the Earth's temperature and weather patterns. (13 letters)
  6. 7. International treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. (5 letters)
  7. 9. Energy generated from the movement of water. (12 letters)
  8. 10. Responsible management and care for the environment. (12 letters)
  9. 12. Bodies of freshwater found away from the coast, like rivers and lakes. (11 letters)
  10. 13. Water in its gaseous form present in the atmosphere. (10 letters)
  11. 14. The capacity of an ecosystem to support life. (10 letters)
  12. 17. Non-renewable energy sources like coal, oil, and natural gas. (11 letters)