
  1. 4. thanksgiving is my favorite _______
  2. 7. The pilgrims ate with the _______
  3. 8. You can play the drums with it and eat it
  4. 11. _________ sauce
  5. 12. What is "yvarg" backwards
  6. 13. We jumped into a pile of ______
  7. 15. The mayflower was the pilgrims main ____
  8. 17. I am ___ for
  9. 20. where you cook a turkey
  10. 21. A Charlie _____ Thanksgiving
  11. 22. We got lost in the corn ____
  12. 23. Ship responsible for thanksgiving
  13. 24. Fall is my favorite ______
  1. 1. What do we give?
  2. 2. we all ate thanksgiving ______
  3. 3. I want to take a ___ ride
  4. 5. It is used for a maze and is maize
  5. 6. They came over on the mayflower
  6. 9. They always throw a big parade
  7. 10. Last word in the 23rd clue
  8. 14. I helped _____ our guests
  9. 16. commonly used in pies for thanksgiving
  10. 18. After thanksgiving we had so many ________
  11. 19. The month of thanks giving
  12. 22. My grandma Helped me ___ the potatoes