Fruit, fruit, and more fruit

  1. 3. best fruit ever
  2. 4. green and citrus
  3. 5. good source of fiber/can be found in the wild
  4. 7. best pelicans fruit flavor
  5. 11. is out of this world
  6. 12. giant seed in the middle of fruit
  7. 15. tropical fruit that has a lot of nutrients
  8. 17. fruit that is a color
  9. 19. watery fruit
  10. 21. has best "ade"
  11. 24. fruit no one knows is a fruit
  12. 26. "dalmatian " on the inside
  13. 28. small,sticky,and green
  14. 29. sauce on spaghetti
  15. 30. bright red/pink
  16. 32. hard grape
  17. 34. served in McAlisters fruit bowl
  18. 35. always feeling sad
  19. 36. comes in brothers nut,fruit,& cheese pack
  1. 1. citrus fruit with lots of vitamin C
  2. 2. fuzzy outside juicy inside
  3. 6. best juice
  4. 8. has 200 seeds
  5. 9. can be green,red,and most people know it as purple
  6. 10. has water that mother drinks
  7. 13. "star seeds"
  8. 14. best fried pie
  9. 16. "gooey guts"
  10. 18. helps you have a good immune system
  11. 20. looks like a small Peach
  12. 22. "sunset colors"
  13. 23. sweet and tart
  14. 25. orange/grow in garden
  15. 27. what Georgia is known for
  16. 31. best thing with peanut butter
  17. 33. favorite part of milkshake
  18. 35. bumpy Lime colored fruit you won't know