
  1. 4. Small pink seafood often used in various dishes
  2. 5. A crisp green vegetable often used in salads
  3. 7. A popular dish with a round crust tomato sauce and toppings
  4. 9. A strong concentrated coffee
  5. 13. A creamy green fruit
  6. 15. A flat round cake typically served for breakfast
  7. 16. A sweet treat made from cocoa beans
  8. 17. A small sweet baked good often containing fruit or nuts
  9. 19. A fruit with juicy seeds inside
  10. 20. A nutritious grain often used in salads
  1. 1. Small round berries with a deep blue color
  2. 2. A long narrow French bread
  3. 3. An Italian dessert made with coffee-soaked ladyfingers and mascarpone cheese
  4. 6. A yellow curved fruit
  5. 8. A dip made from mashed avocados
  6. 10. A tropical fruit with a spiky outer skin
  7. 11. Long thin pasta noodles
  8. 12. Japanese dish with rice raw fish and vegetables
  9. 14. A flaky buttery pastry
  10. 18. A leafy green vegetable