
  1. 3. Newest friend
  2. 5. Worst game of 2022-2023/Cashgrab
  3. 7. Animated by XboxgamerK
  4. 8. "I win mimimimimi!"
  5. 9. Music maker with a touch of red
  6. 11. Skeleton with some anger issues
  7. 13. In the mirror
  8. 15. only on Halloween
  9. 16. Bomber's OTP (Combine Names)
  10. 17. Never stop ____ Down
  11. 18. Link cosplayer and #1 SB Hater
  12. 19. last name is a bad word.
  13. 20. Jedi Forgot
  14. 21. Some produce this
  15. 22. light hurts
  1. 1. Song that made two meet
  2. 2. Bald man who likes gaming.
  3. 4. Mic broke.
  4. 5. Another JT
  5. 6. 123
  6. 8. Some make this
  7. 10. Start over alot
  8. 12. Porn
  9. 14. He make da art.
  10. 16. Mixed Bag of FNAF
  11. 21. non-American
  12. 22. Very clinical