Baby Shower Crossword Puzzle

  1. 5. Zahra is in her ______ pregnancy week
  2. 8. Number of bones a baby on average is born with (hint multiple of 100)
  3. 10. The city in which Rahim was born
  4. 11. Holds Cloth Diaper Together
  5. 12. Rahim's Birth Month
  6. 13. Most viewed nursery rhyme on Youtube
  7. 15. Zahra's Birth Month
  8. 18. Baby Karmali's expected delivery month
  1. 1. Zahra & Rahim will lose a lot of this when the baby is born
  2. 2. Milk Container
  3. 3. Infant Bodysuit
  4. 4. Number of nieces/nephews Zahra & Rahim have (combined)
  5. 5. The city in which Zahra was born
  6. 6. Classic Stuffed Animal
  7. 7. Which body part are babies born without
  8. 9. First sense a baby develops
  9. 14. First primary color a baby sees
  10. 16. Where a baby sleeps
  11. 17. What the Doctor will tell Zahra to do in the delivery room