Coronavirus structure

  1. 2. *What is the lipid bilayer inside the coronavirus envelope composed of?*
  2. 3. *Which viral protein helps the coronavirus attach to host cells?*
  3. 4. *What is the outer layer of the coronavirus called?*
  4. 7. *Which cellular organelle does the coronavirus hijack to replicate itself?*
  5. 9. *Which enzyme does the coronavirus use to replicate its RNA?*
  1. 1. *Which part of the coronavirus is targeted by vaccines to stimulate an immune response?*
  2. 5. *What structural protein forms the protective shell of the coronavirus?*
  3. 6. *Which cellular receptor does the coronavirus use to enter human cells?*
  4. 7. *What process does the coronavirus use to release newly formed viruses from the host cell?*
  5. 8. *What is the crown-like structure on the surface of the coronavirus?*
  6. 10. *What is the genetic material of the coronavirus?*