
  1. 2. first letters of a sea animal that we love
  2. 3. the color of your sweatshirt on our first date
  3. 4. the first letter of the thing you did our first interaction
  4. 6. our favorite lunch at school
  5. 9. the name i want our first boy to be
  6. 10. the relationship of our favorite colors
  7. 14. the first word of my favorite song to sing with you
  8. 15. my favorite thing in your room
  9. 16. a love language we share
  1. 1. the first word of the first movie we watched
  2. 3. the color of my octopus in your car
  3. 5. a restaurant i (and you used to) hate that also is the name of my stuffed giraffe
  4. 7. where we had our first date
  5. 8. my foster dog that loves you
  6. 11. your name in my phone
  7. 12. the only kind of boba i like
  8. 13. my favorite feature of yours