Las fiestas y las noticias

  1. 5. Food: 3.14
  2. 9. News: today
  3. 10. Holiday: attitude of gratitude.
  4. 11. Holiday: a very merry time.
  5. 12. Holiday: life anniversary.
  6. 13. Holiday: Love is in the air.
  7. 14. Food: It's cheesy
  8. 16. Food: Hey, latina.
  9. 18. News: lunch
  10. 19. Food: baked, mashed, etc...
  11. 20. Food: Stuff it.
  1. 1. Holiday: Goodbye, Britain.
  2. 2. News: temperature
  3. 3. Holiday: Be not yourself.
  4. 4. News: date
  5. 6. Drink: with marshmallows, please.
  6. 7. Holiday: babies and spring.
  7. 8. News: tomorrow
  8. 15. Food: Gobble, gobble, gobble.
  9. 17. News: weather