- 1. The other famous loki variant
- 7. The Scarlet Witch
- 8. Where did Cap grow up
- 11. who owned the jacket wanda wore in civil war
- 15. Tony's wife and CEO of stark industries
- 17. Clint's disability
- 18. Lady who is (understandably) obsessed with Peggy
- 19. Who assists Peggy on investigations
- 23. Thor and his siblings' mom
- 25. Captain America, AKA
- 27. Man who carried the MCU
- 29. Wanda's husband
- 30. Who gave the twins their powers
- 36. Natasha's best friend
- 37. Peggy's bestfriend
- 38. Odin's middle child
- 39. Black panther, AKA
- 40. Who did Cap grow old with
- 2. Natasha's MCU debut
- 3. Tony's famous quote
- 4. Who does clint mentor
- 5. The twin's MCU debut
- 6. Wanda's brother
- 9. Natasha Romanoff, AKA
- 10. Clint's wife
- 12. Natasha's adoptive father
- 13. Captain America's best friend
- 14. Tony Stark, AKA
- 16. Bucky Barnes, AKA
- 20. Tony and morgan say this to each other
- 21. Tony's dad's first name
- 22. Black panther's country
- 24. Odin's youngest kid
- 26. Where was Nat trained
- 28. Black panther's younger sister
- 31. The other powerful witch
- 32. Kid named after Natasha
- 33. Natasha's sister
- 34. Hawkeye
- 35. Tony's daughter
- 36. Odin's oldest kid