Do You Know Team Marcoux?

  1. 1. Morgan’s Celebrity Queen
  2. 2. Somchay’s High School Graduation Gift
  3. 4. Theesa's Favorite singer
  4. 5. Favorite Celebrity for Lily, Superbad, La La Land, Easy A
  5. 9. Liz’s vacation spot, a house on water even a…
  6. 10. Colleen’s Vacation Point, ____ Island
  7. 11. Brian’s gift to Sarah for their 1 year
  8. 12. Steve’s favorite TV Show.
  9. 16. Liz’s Staple Meal
  10. 17. Love it or Hate it, this team is split on this flavor
  11. 18. Colleen’s hobby, passion, and purpose in life
  1. 1. Steve's Birthday Month
  2. 3. Lily loves this meal
  3. 5. Josh’s comfort show, based in a hospital
  4. 6. Somchay loves this KPOP Group
  5. 7. Morgan’s comfort show, also based in a hospital
  6. 8. Kaitlin's favorite movie, You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat
  7. 11. Liz’s Favorite Candy
  8. 13. Josh’s meal of choice, all the different kinds.
  9. 14. Kaitlin’s four-legged friend
  10. 15. Sarah’s Astrological Sign, witty and indecisive
  11. 16. Colleen’s Team Nickname