The Minotaur

  1. 1. a king of Crete, son of Zeus by Europa
  2. 2. god of the sea, storms, earthquakes, and horses
  3. 3. The gods cursed her to fall in love with the bull
  4. 5. Goddess of Paths and Labyrinths
  5. 7. one of the many consorts and mortal women whom Zeus courted and fell in love with
  6. 10. daughter of King Pittheus of Troezen and mother of Theseus
  7. 11. mythical Greek inventor, architect, and sculptor
  8. 12. a minor character in Greek Mythology, famous for not surviving the transition from boyhood to manhood.
  9. 13. The heartbroken Ariadne cursed Theseus and his companions and they all forgot to change the ship's sail from black to white
  1. 1. a half-man and half-bull creature
  2. 4. the god of gods
  3. 5. king of Athens and the father of Theseus
  4. 6. ancient Greek goddess of sexual love and beauty
  5. 8. a princess of Crete and the wife of the Greek hero Theseus in Greek mythology
  6. 9. The Graeae, also known as the Stygian Witches or the Grey Sisters, were three grey haired hag-like sisters in Greek mythology