world war 2 crossword puzzle

  1. 3. what was the first battle of world war 2
  2. 8. What was canada's toughest battle in world war 2
  3. 10. Where was the first atomic bomb dropped
  4. 11. What fighting style did the germans use
  5. 13. of Oahu where is pearl harbor
  6. 14. what was canada's last battle in world war 2
  7. 15. What are u boats
  8. 16. Where was the second atomic bomb dropped
  9. 19. how many Canadian's died in world war 2
  10. 20. who was the leader of great Britain
  11. 21. Canadians defeated the NAZIs and captured Ortona on December 28th, 1943 by using the
  12. 23. how many Aboriginal Canadians volunteered to serve in the Second World War
  13. 25. who won the battle of Dieppe
  14. 27. When did D day happen
  15. 29. What was the last battle of world war 2
  1. 1. When did canada declare war on germany
  2. 2. What was Canadas firs battle in world war 2
  3. 4. Where is Diep located
  4. 5. Who did hitler kill during the holocaust
  5. 6. When did world war 2 end in europe
  6. 7. the leader of japan during world war 2
  7. 9. the president of the united states during world war 2
  8. 12. Canadians are assigned the job of kicking the NAZIs out of
  9. 17. Canada had the forth largest
  10. 18. how many Canadian soldiers survived world war 2
  11. 22. When did world war 2 end in the pacific
  12. 24. the prime minister of canada during world war 2
  13. 26. More than ______canadians served in world war 2
  14. 28. who won the battle of hong kong
  15. 30. who won the battle of Britain