
  1. 6. shows the energy flow in an ecosystem
  2. 7. animal eat both plant and animals
  3. 8. food chain plants
  4. 10. animals that eat dead animals or carcass
  5. 12. Animals that eat detritus or decaying dead animal and feces
  6. 14. In food chain plants are producer
  7. 15. animal only eat plant.
  1. 1. are organisms that break down dead or decaying organism
  2. 2. multiple paths (a food web shows all feeding relationships in an ecosystem)
  3. 3. animals
  4. 4. single path (shows the path of energy from one organism to the next)
  5. 5. animal only eat animal
  6. 9. energy is lost in every trophic level
  7. 11. Animals are called consumers
  8. 13. A level of the energy pyramid