
  1. 3. Another name for the fall season.
  2. 5. This orange vegetable is commonly carved into jack-o'-lanterns during Halloween. What is it?
  3. 8. A popular fall beverage made from pressed apples.
  4. 9. As the weather cools down, people often wear this warm and knitted clothing item.
  5. 10. This word refers to the gathering of crops, often done in the fall season.
  1. 1. A large, controlled outdoor fire often enjoyed during cool fall evenings.
  2. 2. A popular fall activity where people sit on bales of this material and enjoy a ride.
  3. 4. Often found on farms, this is a puzzle-like path created in tall crops. What is it?
  4. 6. Many birds and some animals move to different regions in the fall. What is this seasonal movement called?
  5. 7. A small nut that falls from oak trees in the autumn. What is it called?
  6. 9. Fall is known for warm and comforting flavors, often associated with these aromatic additions to food.