2023 Dream

  1. 3. comedy club
  2. 4. where you embark
  3. 7. deck with the buffet
  4. 11. where you go for a lifeboat
  5. 14. show lounge
  6. 15. kitchen on a ship
  7. 16. youngest age group at kids camp
  8. 19. carnival's ship brewed brand name
  9. 20. oldest age group at kids camp
  10. 22. where officers navigate the ship
  11. 23. kids camp
  12. 24. theater troupe name
  1. 1. deck one
  2. 2. highest ranking officer on ship
  3. 5. iconic feature of all carnival ships
  4. 6. shops location
  5. 8. carnival hq base
  6. 9. aft pool name
  7. 10. photo shop
  8. 12. front of the ship
  9. 13. casino
  10. 17. on of the big 3 cruise lines
  11. 18. adults only section
  12. 20. right side of a ship
  13. 21. ship class of the dream
  14. 25. back of the ship