- 5. confident, likes track, breaking TVs and Iceland
- 7. wears black, sleeps a lot, plays Minecraft, likes macaroons
- 9. born on inauguration day, likes Vans shoes, and wants to go to Akron U or Kent State
- 10. wants to be an airline pilot or mechanic, likes riding bikes, football and baseball
- 12. likes mint chocolate chip ice ceam, softball and Tito
- 14. likes computers, baseball, track, dogs, and Katie
- 15. enjoys band class, dad jokes, MMA, and wants to be a blacksmith
- 16. was a chubby baby who liked ketchup, likes unicorns, cornhole basketball and YouTube
- 17. an artist and painter who wants to be a chef
- 18. likes the rain, theater, choir and design
- 19. plays guitar and Fortnite and wants to farm
- 22. likes 21 Pilots, chocolate ice cream,jujitsu, black cats, and sweden.
- 23. likes Chick Fil A, video games, sports and working out, wants to be a pilot
- 1. likes singing, roller skating, sweet tea and horses
- 2. likes freedom, snakes, Iceland, and taxidermy.
- 3. likes True Crime Detective stories, helping people, and working with kids
- 4. wants to work on cars, likes Roblox, football and baseball
- 6. likes traveling, warm weather, soccer, and volleyball
- 7. likes birds, moths, birds, and the violin
- 8. is a military kid wth a little brother who likes basketball and football
- 11. likes video games and soccer, wants to go to Europe
- 13. likes basketball, ice cream and Alijah
- 17. likes fishing, PS5, Fortnite, Madden and basketball
- 20. had three fish all named michael Jackson, likes bowling and baseball
- 21. had a pet shark, likes hockey and boy scouts.