2023 First Period

  1. 5. confident, likes track, breaking TVs and Iceland
  2. 7. wears black, sleeps a lot, plays Minecraft, likes macaroons
  3. 9. born on inauguration day, likes Vans shoes, and wants to go to Akron U or Kent State
  4. 10. wants to be an airline pilot or mechanic, likes riding bikes, football and baseball
  5. 12. likes mint chocolate chip ice ceam, softball and Tito
  6. 14. likes computers, baseball, track, dogs, and Katie
  7. 15. enjoys band class, dad jokes, MMA, and wants to be a blacksmith
  8. 16. was a chubby baby who liked ketchup, likes unicorns, cornhole basketball and YouTube
  9. 17. an artist and painter who wants to be a chef
  10. 18. likes the rain, theater, choir and design
  11. 19. plays guitar and Fortnite and wants to farm
  12. 22. likes 21 Pilots, chocolate ice cream,jujitsu, black cats, and sweden.
  13. 23. likes Chick Fil A, video games, sports and working out, wants to be a pilot
  1. 1. likes singing, roller skating, sweet tea and horses
  2. 2. likes freedom, snakes, Iceland, and taxidermy.
  3. 3. likes True Crime Detective stories, helping people, and working with kids
  4. 4. wants to work on cars, likes Roblox, football and baseball
  5. 6. likes traveling, warm weather, soccer, and volleyball
  6. 7. likes birds, moths, birds, and the violin
  7. 8. is a military kid wth a little brother who likes basketball and football
  8. 11. likes video games and soccer, wants to go to Europe
  9. 13. likes basketball, ice cream and Alijah
  10. 17. likes fishing, PS5, Fortnite, Madden and basketball
  11. 20. had three fish all named michael Jackson, likes bowling and baseball
  12. 21. had a pet shark, likes hockey and boy scouts.