- 3. Our sweet new baby was born this year.
- 6. It is especially wonderful to live _____ to TK’s parents.
- 8. One of our favorite things to do during Christmas is look at the ___________.
- 10. We all _____ together and it helps us through our day.
- 12. We love _______ time.
- 15. We deeply enjoyed our vacation trip to ___________ Beach this year.
- 16. We hope to find _______ through the Holy Ghost every day.
- 17. We wish you a merry _________!
- 20. We enjoy our _________ church family.
- 21. And a happy new _______.
- 23. Daisy turned _____ this year!
- 1. This year our goal is to be more _________ parents.
- 2. Matthew is taking online courses through ______.
- 4. We are thankful for good ______ and strength.
- 5. Daisy says she loves to play ________ as a family.
- 7. Matthew was able to go to Mississippi for his parents 40th year __________.
- 9. Matthew and TK were able to play this on Matthew’s bday.
- 11. Beaux says he loves to ________ as a family.
- 13. Lily will be three ______ old this Christmas!
- 14. Matthew is majoring in _______, Family Studies.
- 18. Beaux is this many years old.
- 19. It was a joy to learn from the New _________ this year.
- 22. TK still loves teaching _______and music therapy.