- 3. Curtains are _________ the patient zone and hands hygiene must be performed after touching curtains before touching the patient.
- 4. Who should you contact if you have concerns or issues with your skin?
- 7. Moment 1 is performing hand hygiene before touching a _____________.
- 10. When drying hands after washing, gently pat the skin dry with paper towel to prevent skin irritation. True or false?
- 11. Hand hygiene should be performed after the removal of gloves. True or false ?
- 13. Wearing hand and wrist _________ harbors bacteria even after hand washing or rubbing.
- 1. Wearing gloves replaces the need for hand Hygiene. True or false?
- 2. Performing Hand Hygiene after touching a patient's surroundings e.g. bed rails, bedside locker is a Moment _________?
- 5. When using ABHR, hands should remain wet for ___seconds?
- 6. After a procedure or after any potential body fluid exposure is a Moment ______?
- 8. Effective hand hygiene is the single most important strategy in preventing hospital-acquired infections. True or false?
- 9. In transmission Based Precautions hand hygiene is performed and gloves must be changed between moments on the same patient. True or false?
- 12. Hand must be gelled after touching the patient _______ touching the curtains.
- 14. When hands are dirty or visibly contaminated, should you gel or wash your hands?