2023 hand Hygiene

  1. 3. Hand hygiene should be performed after _______ gloves.
  2. 4. You should perform hand hygiene before touching any _________ attached to the patient e.g. dialysis machine or infusion pump.
  3. 5. Moment 1 is performing hand hygiene before touching a _____________.
  4. 7. When using ABHR, hands should remain wet for ________seconds.
  5. 10. Who should you contact if you have concerns or issues with your skin?
  6. 14. In Transmission Based Precautions hand hygiene is performed and gloves must be changed between moments on the same patient. True or false?
  7. 15. Wearing hand and wrist _________ harbors bacteria even after hand washing or using ABHR.
  1. 1. Curtains are outside the patient zone and hand hygiene must be performed after touching curtains before __________ the patient.
  2. 2. Performing hand hygiene after touching a patient's surroundings e.g. bed rails, bedside locker is a Moment _________?
  3. 6. Effective hand hygiene is the single most _________ strategy in preventing hospital-acquired infections.
  4. 8. When hands are dirty or visibly contaminated, should you use ABHR or wash your hands?
  5. 9. When drying hands after washing, gently pat the skin dry with paper towel to _________ skin irritation.
  6. 11. How many hand hygiene moments are there?
  7. 12. After a procedure or any potential body fluid exposure e.g. touching a drain or urine bag, this is a Moment ______?
  8. 13. Wearing gloves replaces the need for hand hygiene. True or false?