2023 NMLPW

  1. 3. Kidney function blood test
  2. 6. Fluid portion of blood after clotting
  3. 8. Martin's favorite show
  4. 11. Where the magic happens
  5. 13. The S in NGS
  6. 14. Lab section that Martin loves
  7. 15. The study of cells
  8. 16. Most gloves are this material
  9. 17. Essential attire in lab
  10. 18. Instrument tests for COVID, FLU A/B and RSV
  11. 20. The T in TEG
  1. 1. Blood collection tube
  2. 2. Lab coat and Martin's favorite color
  3. 4. Initial Micro test (2 words)
  4. 5. Uses heat and steam to kill microbes
  5. 7. _________Pathology
  6. 9. Joint fluid
  7. 10. Blood Bank has a new ______
  8. 12. The patient is the ________.(from Tuesday's Fun Link)
  9. 19. Procedure for removing tissue sample for testing