- 5. Thrash band forms in Los Angeles
- 6. Eat dots, watch out for ghosts
- 9. Prince Charles and Lady Diana join
- 10. Take me out to the sport that had a 50 day strike
- 12. Stephen King's favorite pup
- 13. This sexyback singer was born 1/31/81
- 16. First Pizza Rolls
- 18. Scientist, Doctor, Biologist, Therapist, Lawyer, Crazy Professor
- 20. Luke and Laura get married on what soap opera
- 21. Can you guide it home safe?
- 23. All eyes on this #1 Song of 1981
- 1. Cylinder fetus from Norfolk, VA
- 2. Bill Cosby's frozen snack you can say yes to
- 3. 40th President of the United States
- 4. Sandra Day O'Connor first female on the
- 7. Mommy Dearest better not catch you with one of these
- 8. Some fun, some food, it's all inside this
- 11. Healthy frozen dinners
- 12. Bug Blaster
- 14. Romy and Michelle's invention
- 15. Bartles & Jaymes
- 17. Cool kids crunched numbers on a Casio wrist
- 19. Purple rain rocker opens for Rolling Stones
- 22. From condiment to vegetable in the 1981 school lunch program