1981 History, News, & Fun Facts

  1. 5. Thrash band forms in Los Angeles
  2. 6. Eat dots, watch out for ghosts
  3. 9. Prince Charles and Lady Diana join
  4. 10. Take me out to the sport that had a 50 day strike
  5. 12. Stephen King's favorite pup
  6. 13. This sexyback singer was born 1/31/81
  7. 16. First Pizza Rolls
  8. 18. Scientist, Doctor, Biologist, Therapist, Lawyer, Crazy Professor
  9. 20. Luke and Laura get married on what soap opera
  10. 21. Can you guide it home safe?
  11. 23. All eyes on this #1 Song of 1981
  1. 1. Cylinder fetus from Norfolk, VA
  2. 2. Bill Cosby's frozen snack you can say yes to
  3. 3. 40th President of the United States
  4. 4. Sandra Day O'Connor first female on the
  5. 7. Mommy Dearest better not catch you with one of these
  6. 8. Some fun, some food, it's all inside this
  7. 11. Healthy frozen dinners
  8. 12. Bug Blaster
  9. 14. Romy and Michelle's invention
  10. 15. Bartles & Jaymes
  11. 17. Cool kids crunched numbers on a Casio wrist
  12. 19. Purple rain rocker opens for Rolling Stones
  13. 22. From condiment to vegetable in the 1981 school lunch program