- 2. - The tool used to view cells.
- 3. - Organelle that captures energy from the sun to make food for the plant.
- 4. - Complex cells with a nucleus.
- 6. - Discovered that all cells come from existing cells.
- 10. - Controls what goes in and out of the cell.
- 11. - The gel-like fluid that holds all organelles.
- 16. - An extra layer of protection covering the plant cell.
- 17. - Organelle that controls all cell activities.
- 18. - The “garbage man” of the cell.
- 19. - The first to see moving cells under the microscope.
- 22. - A living thing.
- 25. - Groups of cells that work together.
- 27. - The first person to see cells.
- 28. - Changes that help an organism survive in its environment.
- 30. - Organelle that makes proteins.
- 1. - Simple cells without a nucleus.
- 5. - “Tiny organs” in the cell.
- 7. - Building blocks of all living things.
- 8. Respiration - The process that creates energy (ATP) for the cell.
- 9. - Anything that causes a response.
- 12. - The “power plant” of the cell.
- 13. - Carry materials around the cell.
- 14. - In plant cells, this large organelle stores water, en
- 15. - A factory for proteins.
- 20. - Groups of tissues that do a specific job.
- 21. - How systems can respond to changes to maintain homeostasis.
- 23. - Discovered that the cell is the basic unit of animals.
- 24. - The body’s ability to stay stable and balanced even when conditions change.
- 26. - Group of organs that work together to perform a body function.
- 29. - Processes and packages proteins to be taken to their final destination.