Money Matters

  1. 3. An account that sets aside money to save(No space in between the words)
  2. 4. The most popular bank(No space in between the words)
  3. 5. Increase in prices based on the worth of money
  4. 6. Keeping money in an account that you don't touch
  5. 10. Earning returns on both your original investment and on returns you received previously
  6. 12. Avalibility of liquid assets(cash)
  7. 13. A market account that earns intrest(No space in between the words)
  8. 14. A place where people place there money(No space in between the words)
  9. 15. Intrest loan that borrowers pay back(No space in between the words)
  10. 16. Type of loan from an investor that goes toword a company that the investor gets interest from
  11. 17. Type of High risk investment to gain interest
  12. 18. An investment account where you can buy or sell investments
  1. 1. The word for loss or gain chances of money while investing
  2. 2. Companies that provide fincial protection on our things(No space in between the words)
  3. 4. Intrest a person earns on intrest(No space in between the words)
  4. 5. A bank people put money into to gain more(No space in between the words)
  5. 7. Putting money in an account to gain more money
  6. 8. A bank account that offers a higher rates of returns(No space in between the words)
  7. 9. Written contract between you and an insurance company where the insurance pays regularly to the other person
  8. 11. A rate of money that is added on top of the original payment