Natural Hazards

  1. 3. – A high power tornado that forms over water.
  2. 5. - When a fire grows out of control and eats up the natural landscape.
  3. 7. - Preventing damage ahead of time.
  4. 9. – When the Earth's core starts shaking very aggressively
  5. 10. – The Netherlands - When high water levels overtake the land above them.
  1. 1. – When high wind speeds combine with a powerful snowstorm
  2. 2. – Any form of Natural danger that can alter the natural landscape.
  3. 4. - giant waves that grow due to seizmic activity.
  4. 6. – When lack of rain causes significant damage to the availability of water for plants, animals, and Humans
  5. 8. – When high powered winds spin a funnel cloud onto a destructive warpath.