DNA Technology

  1. 3. The name of a specific enzyme that binds and cleaves the DNA
  2. 4. Deoxyribonucleic acid
  3. 7. The name of the first large mammal that was cloned
  4. 8. The dye used to stain and visualize DNA fragments
  5. 12. A type of genetic engineering that involves cutting DNA segments into smaller pieces
  6. 15. The charged end that the DNA moves towards when electrical currents are sent through
  7. 16. A type of genetic engineering that involves producing large numbers of identical DNA molecules
  8. 17. The gel used to make the cast and wells for DNA samples to be loaded into
  9. 18. Moral principles that govern a person's ideals and behaviors
  1. 1. This important pancreatic hormone is inserted into bacteria in order to produce extra amounts for medical purposes
  2. 2. A type of genetic engineering that involves separating DNA fragments by size, charge, or concentration
  3. 5. The charge DNA has
  4. 6. The living thing that gets new DNA inserted into its own DNA
  5. 9. A type of genetic engineering that involves joining two DNA segments together
  6. 10. A type of genetic engineering that involves making copies of specific DNA sequences
  7. 11. The name for the newly generated DNA molecule made from different DNA sources
  8. 12. Technology used to look at the similarities in DNA between populations or species
  9. 13. The twisted shape of DNA
  10. 14. Tools and technology that involves manipulating and modifying an organisms genes