  1. 2. I'm a nocturnal bird of prey, known for my silent flight.
  2. 5. I have a long neck, spots on my coat, and am known for being the tallest land animal
  3. 6. I'm a domesticated animal, often used for wool and meat.
  4. 13. I'm a type of fish, have sharp teeth, and predator.
  5. 14. Known for my black and white fur, I'm a bear-like mammal that primarily feeds on bamboo.
  6. 15. I'm an insect, known for my colorful wings and important role in pollination.
  7. 17. With a hump on my back, long legs, and adapted to desert life, I'm often called the "ship of the desert.
  8. 19. What creature has feathers, can fly
  9. 22. I'm a small, social insect that lives in colonies
  10. 25. I'm a small, colorful bird often kept as a pet, known for my ability to mimic human speech.
  11. 26. I’m a cute mammal and has soft fur, long ears
  12. 27. I have a bushy tail, live in trees, and love to eat nuts.
  13. 28. I'm a small rodent, known for my long tail and love for cheese.
  1. 1. I'm a primate, swing from trees, and have a tail.
  2. 3. I'm the king of the jungle
  3. 4. I live in the ocean, I’m the biggest fish in the world
  4. 6. With a long, slender body and venomous fangs, I'm often feared
  5. 7. I have a long trunk, big ears
  6. 8. I live in water and land. I have an eggshell
  7. 9. I have a hard shell, pinchers, and live in the ocean.
  8. 10. This animal has black and white stripes
  9. 11. I'm a small, domesticated mammal known for purring and catching mice
  10. 12. I'm a small, nocturnal mammal that can fly and navigate in the dark.
  11. 13. I'm a sea creature, have eight arms, and can squirt ink as a defense mechanism.
  12. 16. I have a fang and eat meat, I’m a friend of a lion
  13. 18. I'm a large, slow-moving reptile that spends most of my life in water
  14. 20. Im a furry pet and friendly, often wags its tail to show happiness.
  15. 21. I have a pouch to carry my young, hop around, and am a symbol of Australia.
  16. 23. I'm a marine mammal, known for my playful behavior and complex communication.
  17. 24. I have wings but I cannot fly, people usually eat me