Puzzle-O-Greek Round II

  1. 4. Data is permanently stored in ____ .
  2. 5. The ____ refers to parts of a computer application or a program’s code that allow it to operate and that cannot be accessed by a user.
  3. 6. The first web browser invented in 1990 was ____ .
  4. 7. Central ____ Unit
  5. 9. The ____ number system consists of at most10 digits.
  6. 12. In Symmetric Key Cryptography, same key can be used by the sender and receiver for ____ of the message.
  7. 13. Firewall in Computer is used for ____ .
  8. 15. To press Ctrl+C
  9. 17. ____ Access Memory
  10. 18. Hypertext ____ Language
  11. 19. The most common input device ____
  12. 23. Brain of Computer
  13. 24. MPG is what time of extension ____ .
  1. 1. First computer virus is known as ____ .
  2. 2. Full form if KB ___ .
  3. 3. ____ is a physical component of a Computer.
  4. 8. Scientific Name of Computer ____ .
  5. 10. The main circuit board in computer ____ .
  6. 11. An operating system is a system ____ that acts as an intermediary between computer user and computer hardware.
  7. 14. First page of website is term as ____ .
  8. 15. Who Invented Computer?
  9. 16. A language used to design & create webpage ____
  10. 20. ____ are complete piece of physical hardware that is used to computer or support computer.
  11. 21. The first search engine on the internet is ___ .
  12. 22. Error in a Computer program called ____ .